Yesterday, I released a new article about how I implement vertex arrays in luminance. In that article, I told you that the memory was packed with alignment set to 1.

Well, I’ve changed my mind. Some people pointed out that the good thing to do for most GPU is to align on 32-bit. That is, 4 bytes. The alignment should be 4 bytes, then, not 1.

There might be an issue with that. If you store a structure with attributes which sizes are not a multiple of 4 bytes, it’s likely you need to add padding.

However, I just reviewed my code, and found this:

instance (GPU a,KnownNat n,Storable a) => Vertex (V n a) where
instance (Vertex a,Vertex b) => Vertex (a :. b) where

Those are the single instances for Vertex. That means you can only use V and (:.) to build up vertices. Look at the V instance. You’ll find a GPU typeclass constraint. Let’s look at its definition and instances:

class GPU a where
  glType :: Proxy a -> GLenum

instance GPU Float where
  glType _ = GL_FLOAT

instance GPU Int32 where
  glType _ = GL_INT

instance GPU Word32 where
  glType _ = GL_UNSIGNED_INT

Woah. How did I forget that?! Let me translate those information to you. That means we can only have 32-bit vertex component! So the memory inside vertex buffers will always be aligned on 4 bytes! No need to worry about padding then!

The first implication is the fact you won’t be able to use Word16, for instance. You’ll need to stick to the three types that have a GPU instance.

Note: that doesn’t prevent us from adding Double later on, because a Double is a 64-bit type, which is a multiple of 4 bytes!

That’s all I have for today. I’m working on something very exciting linked to render batching. I’ll talk about that when it’s cooked. ;)

Keep the vibe; keep building awesome things, and as always, thank you for reading me!

↑ Luminance – what was that alignment stuff already?
32-bit, alignment, Haskell, luminance, OpenGL
Tue Aug 11 00:00:00 2015 UTC